Reviving organism with tea and herbs
If you have a headache, there is a simple folk method for relieving pain: you need to take good black tea, pour it into a porcelain teapot, let it brew, add 1 tablespoon of sugar per 1 cup of tea. Sip at it slowly letting it dissolve in your mouth. Â Afterwards, tie your head with a warm scarf or a handkerchief and lie down for 15-20 minutes to relax in a tranquil atmosphere.
You will feel healthy when you get up after the procedure.
In case of irritability and bad mood, we recommend the following recipes of alternative medicine:
– collect herbs of mint, oregano and St. John’s wort. Take 100 grams of each herb, mix everything thoroughly together. Keep the herbs in a sealed container. Brew them immediately before use.
You can use one mint, which so beneficially affects organism, soothes, relieves spasms, helps digestion, has a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of mint, brew with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take the tea during the day in case you have the above mentioned symptoms.
Mint is especially beneficial when you drink a glass of mint tea at night.
Gastritis, ulcers – are the scourge of modern society. Statistics show that up to 15% of population has an ulcer. While gastritis, when using modern food products, is a universal phenomenon, or almost so. So there is this multi-component collection as a traditional aid for gastritis with high acidity:
Peppermint herb -3 parts,
Calamus -1 part,
Centaury – 2 parts,
Pharmacy chamomile flowers – 3 parts.
Yarrow inflorescences – 5 parts
Leaves of mother and stepmother – 3 parts.
Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into 2 tablespoons of the mixture, brew in a warm place for 4-5 hours and drink half a cup of it warm, 40 to 50 minutes before a meal.
This traditional collection will help with female ailments, with menstrual ailments (the appearance of poor health, irritability, anger):
Melissa leaves -1 tablespoon
Fireweed herb -1 tablespoon
Alchemilla vulgaris – 1 tablespoon.
Pour a glass of boiling water into one tablespoon of the collection, let it brew and drink per 1cup, 3 times a day.
Alchemilla vulgaris helps not only with premenstrual syndrome, but also restores the menstrual cycle, helps with severe menopause.
Tea, made of meadow clover, perfectly restores strength, activates sexual desire, relieves fatigue, as well as pain in muscles and joints, which appeared after physical exertion. Brew 3-4 clover flowers with a glass of boiling water and drink the infusion after eating like a traditional tea, two or three times a day.
Kalgan, or Potentilla erecta will help to strengthen the body and increase potency in men. Prepare a 5 percent alcohol tincture from this plant and take 30 ml of the medicine in the evening, after a busy day.
Celery juice squeezed from fresh leaves or root crops tones up, strengthens blood vessels, muscles and bone tissue. It should be taken in the amount of 20 drops 3-4 times a day before meals (juice diluted in a tablespoon of boiled water can be given to children). Men need to take celery infusion to increase potency. To prepare the medicine, brew a tablespoon of crushed root and drink it 2-3 times a day. A cold prepared infusion is more useful: a tablespoon of chopped celery root is poured with cold spring water overnight (for 8 hours), filtered in the morning and drunk half a glass, twice a day before meals.
In case of a total breakdown, including the one as a result of physical overstrain, primrose leaves will help. It is recommended to use an infusion of dried shredded leaves: pour a glass of water into 5 grams of the herb , boil for 5-10 minutes. Hold in a thermos for 2-3 hours, sieve it and take one tablespoon in, three times a day before meals.