Herbal Tea to Keep You Young and Beautiful

When speaking about staying young, the first thing that comes to our mind is the fresh face skin, absence of wrinkles, fit body. All these are actually true, but they are just the external sign of aging. The internal condition of an organism is far more important, the failures and irregularities of which can be fought against by herbal tea.

As a result of many researches in the sphere of gerontology, scientists have come to the conclusion that genetic determines the aging rate of organism by only 20%, whereas the other 80% depends on our lifestyle and environment. Not all the factors may be affected by humans. But knowing what exactly takes our health away, therefore our youth as well, we can minimize the amount of damage to be done.

Causes of premature aging

1. Weak immune system

After about their 25th year of life, people start to get sick more often. One of the most common reasons of a weak immune system is violations in the digestive tract. Up to 90% of lymphoid tissue is in the intestine, which prevents the penetration of destructive agents into blood. Besides, the intestinal microflora also protects our organism and kills pathogenic bacteria. Immune system may also weaken because of a liver damage- an organ that takes part in antibody production.

2. Slagging organism

If natural filters (kidneys, liver) are malfunctioning, toxic substances get into bloodstream, poisoning and disabling other vital organs.  Bacterial waste also accumulates in the intestines, causing putrefactive processes and fermentation.

3. Metabolic disease

Violation of lipid metabolism leads to an increased content of cholesterol in blood and its accumulation on the walls of blood vessels. An unbalanced diet, use of products of dubious quality leads to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and other elements necessary for the normal course of metabolism.

4. Cell mutations

One of the causes of aging is cell mutation during division. Free radicals spur this natural process. Vitamins A, C, E, trace element selenium and others help to resist their harmful effects. With the deficiency of the previously mentioned elements, cell mutation, and hence aging, takes place faster.

Herbal Rejuvenation

Nature is rich in plants, broths of which, when applied systemically, help cleanse organs and fluids, strengthen immunity, restore normal metabolism, and saturate the body with vitamins.

Plants with bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects, such as St. John’s wort and thyme, will help restore the intestinal microflora and improve the digestive tract. Helichrysum, as well as nettle leaves, Japanese Sophora, yarrow and burdock root have blood-purifying properties.

“Wash” kidneys, cleanse urinary tract from pathogenic microorganisms, and prevent the formation of stones using diuretic herbs with an antibiotic effect, such as leaves of lingonberry, knotweed, goldenrod, calendula flowers, birch buds.

Among multivitamin plants containing antioxidant substances, a large number of trace elements, wild rose needs to be mentioned. Tea, made from wild rose, strengthens immune system.

This plant may be used to brew mono-tea or it can be added to anti-aging blends.

Take care of yourself, cleanse and love your organism.