Magic cloves in herbal tea – such a hot spice!

There is an incredible island of Pemba off the coast of Africa, which is a part of the Zanzibar archipelago. If you ever happen to visit this island and pour clean water into a glass, in a few minutes it will acquire the aroma of cloves. The air on Pemba is literally saturated with this thick smell, and the reason is that… 4 million clove trees grow here!

Cloves are also grown in other tropical regions, for instance, in India, Sri Lanka, the Moluccas (which are considered to be the birthplace of this spice). Coming to us from these remote lands, the clove brings with it the heat of the southern sun. That’s exactly what we need in autumn and winter!

It is one of the “hottest” spices in the world. Clove caps have an exquisitely burning taste and an intense spicy aroma. This is a celebrated aphrodisiac that accelerates the blood and excites the imagination. It is a classic ingredient in mulled wines and goes perfectly with hot wine.

The dear friends of cloves are cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cardamom. It also harmonises with citrus fruits. When choosing a blend from the Chayane collection, pay attention to Mulled Wine: this is a spicy mix that can be brewed like tea and added to wine. One of its main secrets is the magical heat of cloves.

Pour a cup of “Mulled Wine” from “Chayane” on a cloudy autumn or frosty winter evening, and the aroma of the tropics will spread around the room. Just like on the island of Pemba!